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Cash Lumps Structured Advisors has encountered a wide variety of structured settlements and is committed to providing you with the best customer service. Based on past experience, Cash Lumps is able to deal with whatever various obstacles your structured settlement may provide. We have created a few frequently asked questions to help you understand what selling your structured settlement entails.

1. What is a structured settlement?

A structured settlement is a payment plan that is commonly used in settling personal injury or malpractice lawsuits. They may also be used as an annuity in the form of a retirement plan or an inheritance. Finally, it may be used in paying out lottery winnings. Cash Lumps Structured Advisors will help you determine what the best option is for your structured settlement deal.

2. Am I allowed to sell my structured settlement?

This answer depends on the state, but almost all of the United States have adopted a way that legally allows you to sell your structured settlement payment and the rights to them. Usually, a court will have to approve the settlement purchase, but Cash Lumps has not encountered many deals that are not approved.

3. Why would I sell my settlement payments?

There are many reasons to sell the rights to your structured settlement payments. The simplest answer, however, is to get a lump sum of cash you need and quick. You may need this for a variety of reasons, such as to pay some unexpected debt or pay some medical bills. Other times, you may want the lump sum to help you purchase a dream home or send your child to college without incurring the highly inflated student loan debt.

4. Do I have to sell the entire settlement?

You do not have to sell the entire settlement. Cash Lumps will purchase part of the settlement plan if that’s what you decide suits you best. For example, you may have received an inheritance that is set to pay you $2,000 a month for the next ten years. We can purchase the payments from your final five years of anticipated payments, the first five years, or whatever you may choose. This will enable you to continue to receive settlement payments after we give you the lump sum, or you could get the lump sum and then a few years later,  have the payments restart.